Our Latest news
What Happens to Pests During the Winter?
When the cold weather rolls in, bears go into hibernation, birds migrate south and we, as humans, layer up and relax by the fire to stay warm throughout the winter months. But, what happens to pests like ants, mosquitoes and termites? Many people assume they just die off, but the truth is that these and other insects often devise strategies to make it through the winter. Learn more about how specific pests survive the harsh...
What is a Termite Inspection and Why Do You Need One?
Homebuying is a really exciting experience! However, your excitement can quickly be ruined by a termite infestation. These pests cause over $5 billion in property damage each year underlining the importance of scheduling a termite infestation before you purchase your home. bit.ly/3CTvmS7 Reliable does termite inspections for real estate purchases and refinance loans. Just call and we'll know exactly which kind of report you need and will schedule a technician quickly!
No Matter the Season, Rodents Find a Reason to Come Indoors
Rodents can be extremely difficult to keep out of homes and even cars during the cold winter months. Mice can squeeze through spaces as small as a dime and rats can fit through holes the size of a quarter, making it very important to seal any cracks or openings. bit.ly/2ngQkqf
Reliable Passes from 3rd to 4th Generation
At the end of 2022, President and owner Bob Hanstra officially hands the reins of Reliable to the 4th generation! Bob got his start at Reliable when he was 25 years old. He was happy being a bicycle mechanic but his father and current owner Jim Hanstra convinced him that pest control was more of a career, and that it was! Under the wise instruction and example of his father, Bob helped develop the quality...
If April is for ants, then May is for carpenter bees.
Carpenter bees are beneficial pollinators but also can do damage to the wood on houses and structures. During May, Females drill into the wood to lay eggs that will later emerge. Females do return to last years' galleries so it's good to wait until fall or winter when they are not active and then plug the holes. As a preventative measure, we can treat the wood parts of a house like siding, eaves, door frames,...
Pest Infestations
If you are concerned about #pests in your home, reach out to us. The role of our pest control professionals is to keep you and your family protected from the threats posed by #infestations. We’d be happy to help! #NPMM
Think you have a #termite infestation? Call a Reliable Exterminators immediately as this pest can quickly overtake your home and cause costly damage. Our licensed professionals have the expertise required to eradicate an #infestation. #NPMM https://bit.ly/2QgWxB1 Termite Workers courtesy of Purdue University